Best ways to treat sciatica pain
Best Ways To Treat Sciatica Pain

Best Ways To Treat Sciatica Pain


Do you often experience tingling, sharp-needle-like pain around the lower back pain, hips, and back legs? Many others also have this same symptom.

The symptoms you may be experiencing right now indicate that you have sciatica pain. If you also have these symptoms, read this article until the end.

Sciatic nerve and sciatic pain- What are these?

The sciatic nerve is just another, usually a bit thicker, running from your lower back region to the knees. Each of your legs has one of these bundled nerves.

You can have pain in just one leg or even both depending on the condition. An inflammation or swelling of this nerve causes the pain known as sciatic pain.

Is sciatica pain a common issue?

Sure enough, studies show that sciatica pain is a growing issue among many adults in the US. Each year many thousands are diagnosed with the same problem and many cases also remain unreported.

A study shows that most of the time the victims of this pain are the elderly people above their 40s or 50s with the percentage being as high as close to 40% in this population.

Understanding the symptoms of sciatica pain

Sciatica PainThe first thing we need to know about the treatments for this issue is the symptoms. Knowing the symptoms can help us figure out and eliminate the situation quickly.

So, what are the signs that truly tell you have pain in the sciatic nerve? Listed below are some of the items you should consider:

Pain, sometimes occurring very sharply may be described as needle-

  • Insertion or getting an electric shock.
  • Tingling pain as if someone is giving a sensation
  • A feeling of numbness with the buttocks and hips not being fully sensitive
  • Weakness in the muscles. This issue often occurs due to the numb feelings in the region
  • The condition is characterized by urinary incontinence, a severe symptom

If you have these issues already, it is high time that you go to the doctor and get diagnosed. Remember that the key to curing this issue is early diagnosis and treatment.

Issues that cause sciatica

So, what is it that causes this form of pain? Studies show that most of the time the issue is linked to any previous issue in your body. Here is a list of all those issues that can crop up sciatic pain or worsen it.

  • Degenerative disk disorders
  • Spinal stenosis
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Injury
  • Tumors or cysts in the lower back
  • Herniated disks

Even females can have this issue during pregnancy. This will help relieve pain for a long time.

Treatment for sciatica pain- Is it curable at all?

Well, the good news about sciatica pain is that most of the time the situation is curable. Occasionally, a doctor may tell you to undergo surgery or other costly treatments.

  • Methods of self-treatment

Most of the time self-care is all you need to get over sciatica pain. So, if it is indeed true that sciatica pain can be cured on its own, should you go to the doctor at all?

Yes, without a doubt, we will not tell you to skip going to the doctor. Not going to the doctor does not help identify the issue and find the right cure.

Now, coming to the point, mild issues of sciatica pain are easily curable through proper management and timely remedies. Let us give you an idea-

Use of ice packs and heat

You can use ice and heat packs and apply them alternatively to the region. This helps subside the muscle pain. Not just this it also helps the nerves in the area to become more sensitive so that you can get over issues of numbness.

It also helps prevent any swelling or inflammation in the regions.

Use of Medicine

If your pain and swelling continue it is a good idea to go to a doctor and find out a suitable pill. It is a good idea to use the Pain O Soma 350 mg pill if you have sciatic pain.

Although, the doctor will give a prescription these pills are good for getting rid of such issues.

Activities and exercises

It is a good idea for people suffering from sciatica pain to increase their leg activity and do some exercises.

You need to do any exercise that involves stretching, flexing, or movement of the hips, lower back, and back leg muscles.

Here is a list of exercises that you can mix and merge each day-

  • Morning walk
  • Running
  • Jogging
  • Swimming
  • Cycling a bit
  • Stretching exercises like leg raises, squats, and so on.

Doctor’s mode of treating sciatica pain

Now, let us find out how a doctor will tell you to cure sciatica pain. Often these are some of the remedies only when the issue is more severe.

Use of painkillers

Pain O Soma 500 mg is a highly effective painkiller to get rid of sciatica pain. These help with muscle pain relief and also reduce redness and swelling in the region.

Spine injection

If the issue of sciatica pain is very severe causing almost unbearable pain a doctor can give you spinal injections. At other times, they can tell you to use pills like Neuro Seliron 300 mg that help cure nerve pain.


The last option is to go for a surgical treatment process like discectomy and laminectomy.

Final say

So, as you can see, most of the time your issue of sciatic pain may be curable through some natural home remedies.

Go to a doctor at first and try out these on your own. If not, then you can go to the doctors once again for more objective treatments.

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