Male infertility is a growing issue.
Male infertility is a growing issue.

Male infertility is a growing issue.

With the growth of technology, we live in an altogether different world. This world is unlike what we had 30-40 years ago.

However, for the changes we made in this world and our universe, there must be some changes in us, too.

One such change that is visible as of now is the growth of male infertility.

As you know – male infertility is growing.

Infertility among males and females both are visible now and it is growing swiftly. Infertility in females, I will talk about it later, as that is an even vaster topic.

At this moment, we will speak of infertility among men. What are the effects that indicate that male infertility is on the edge of massive growth?

Here is some of the information that will suggest the same –

  • The urge of going for an intercourse has gone down to an enormous level in men, according to mostly all the studies, conducted for the same purpose.
  • The quality of semen has reduced to a massive extent, and this is an alarming condition.
  • Issues like the mortality rate of semen have gone up to a serious condition.
  • Quality time males spend with their partners is reduced all over the world.
  • The sale of sildenafil citrate medicines like Cenforce 150 which increases the fertility level in men has increased like never before.

Why are men facing infertility?

There are several underlying reasons responsible for the rising infertility rate in men.

However, before going into those underlying reasons, it is more vital that you go through the visible reasons that cause infertility in men.

Among the visible reasons, here are some of the following –

Why are men facing infertility?

Rat race

You might think that race rats are a visible reason. If it is a visible reason, what can be the underlying reason behind that? You are right in this matter.

The rat race is just the elephant’s visible tooth, where the original tooth is much below it. When men enter the rat race, they feel that they must run, and run continuously.

However, the justification they provide to do so is if they stop running, they will lose their position in society.

With this run, they often miss out on important sessions in their life, and when they realize that they need Vidalista 60mg to get into it.

Lack of exercises

In this present world, either men do some fully laborious work, or they do their job fully under the AC machine. There is no mix and match, and if there is any, there is only stress.

It seems like; they are paid to take stress on their back. With stress, sex life is sure to be ruined, and that is happening in society, where men purchase Fildena 100 mg like never before.

Less time for leisure

You can say it is the effect of the rat race. However, you have no idea what this rat race has put in men. It is pre-decided that they will have to participate in this rat race.

Hence, many parents caring for those future adult males even ignore providing some opening to extracurricular activities for their sons.

Therefore, males get no space in their lives, and the effect of the same casts on their sexual desire, urges, and abilities.

The main reason for male infertility

If you list the reasons for growth in male infertility, you can add many visible reasons to what we said.

You will say that exposure to alcohol and smoking is one of the major reasons, which we have not mentioned at all.

You will get your answer very soon, as we state the main reasons behind infertility.

The main reason for male infertility

Alcohol and smoking

You state alcohol and smoking are the main reasons for the growth of infertility. Even doctors highlight them as the prime reasons for male infertility.

However, this is not a fact at all, as the reason behind the exposure to alcohol and smoking is the rat race.

It is for the rat race participation, that to energize and re-energize him, men go for alcohol and smoking. So, how can alcohol or smoking be the major reason?

The main reason is not even the rat race. It is the theme behind the same.

You are forced to participate in the rat race, with a threat that if you do not participate there, you will lose everything and if you are there, you have every chance to be a hero to society.

You will have fame, prestige, and status, bringing you a good family and well-being.

The comedy and tragedy here is that you do all the things, to get fame and prestige, but the reason you did so remains apart from you.

So, it is not your fault to participate in the rat race. You have no choice but to make it there.

The matter is that some greedy humans want you and all the males to participate in this rat race.

They show dreams to the males for well-being and eventually grab the butter, that they lay for him, and finally the males who did so are thrown away in a dustbin.

So, it is not nature’s call that men are facing growth in infertility; it is a human-caused circumstance.

More mixing with women

Female factor Male factor

It is a fact that when you are regularly exposed to something, you will lose interest in it.

The same thing happened with males, regarding females.

They are losing interest in women, for the fact that they are always in touch with them.

This is an underlying factor, for which males are losing interest in women and they need to take Cenforce 200mg in support of their intercourse.

The last word

Therefore, it is not that what you see with the naked eye is the actual reality.

Yes, alcohol and smoking have an impact on men’s lives, and so is the rat race, but behind all, there is the societal structure with an intimate business mindset.

Hence, things are beyond your limits and your control. You can rely on the medicine Vidalista 40 here, as you have no control over other things.

Therefore, stop thinking about those and get well soon.

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