Difference Between Narcolepsy and Sleep Paralysis
Difference Between Narcolepsy and Sleep Paralysis

Difference Between Narcolepsy and Sleep Paralysis


There are distinct kinds of issues that many people consider to be the same. Narcolepsy and sleeping disorders like sleep paralysis are often linked.

We must take a deeper look into this. The two diseases differ in some ways. It has distinct signs; it has distinct trigger points.

Medicines needed to manage them are also different. For instance, medicines like Artvigil 150mg may help a patient with narcolepsy.

However, it cannot help to deal with sleep paralysis. We must discuss the various aspects and differences between these two ailments.

This enlightens our knowledge about these problems and can help us control the issues if we develop them.

What is narcolepsy?

Issues like daytime sleepiness can bother you. Falling asleep suddenly during the daytime can be a big problem for your social and work life.

This happens because of narcolepsy. It is the issue that triggers sudden daytime sleepiness. It can impact various aspects.

One can term it as a neurological issue that impairs the ability of the brain to manage wake cycles.

This abruptly can make you fall asleep during the daytime. Often, the person who faces this also must deal with insomnia during the night.

What is sleep paralysis?

While many link this with narcolepsy, sleep paralysis is certainly not a type of it, instead, it is an issue that happens between waking and falling asleep.

One can link it with a sign of narcolepsy. Often people can face this during the nighttime while they are asleep.

It can happen when the brain creates a perception that it is time to wake but your body still is sleeping.

This awkward point of ambiguity in the brain triggers sleep paralysis.

It can trigger a temporary inability to move physically and impair one’s ability to speak up for a while. Even though it is not serious, suffering from it can create panic.

Differences in signs

A careful evaluation of the definitions of the two diseases indicates how distinct they are. Certainly, come and they will also exhibit different signs.

Signs for narcolepsy-

  • Sleepiness during the day is one of the most common signs. You will feel a lot sleepy during the daytime because of it.
  • It can trigger a certain loss of muscle
  • It might make you think you hallucinated.
  • Sleep paralysis can occur in rare situations.

Signs for sleep paralysis-

  • You will not be able to move while you remain. It can create a temporary paralysis.
  • It will also affect your ability to speak up or respond to anything verbally. This happens primarily during the dawn when you try to wake up.
  • You will have a sense of what is happening around your surroundings even in this situation.
  • You might feel a certain kind of pressure on your chest while undergoing this.

Differences in duration

The two issues also have distinct duration periods. For instance, managing narcolepsy requires long-term management.

If it happens, it does bother you for a longer time you may have to depend on Waklert 150 pills for a long time to control this chronic issue.

On the other hand, episodes of sleep paralysis are not that long. It barely happens for a few minutes. Sometimes, it does not even cross a minute and only lasts a few seconds.

People with intense stages of narcolepsy can have longer durations of sleep paralysis. However, it is still exceedingly rare.

Differences in occurrence

The two issues certainly have distinct times when they occur. Distinct occurrences also mean that there are different factors triggering it.

For instance, sleep paralysis happens primarily during the transition phase when you want to wake from a deep sleep.

It occurs at the juncture between sleeping and wakefulness. The episodes usually do not last long because of a shorter transition between sleeping and wakefulness.

On the other hand, narcolepsy is a chronic issue. It happens and can happen during the entire day time.

It can happen during any phase of the day. Because of this also it stays longer and affects for a longer time.

Because of this one always must carry pills like Modafresh 200 to manage the situation.

Differences in causes

There are distinct triggering points and causes behind the two issues. For instance, narcolepsy happens because of other sleeping issues as well.

Effective sleeping during the night can lead to the problem. Issues like sleep apnea or even insomnia can trigger this.

Loss of certain hormones can result in such distress. It can even happen because of certain kinds of brain injuries. Genetic issues also have a role to play in it.

Stress is a crucial factor in sleep paralysis. Sleep deprivation plays a vital role in this issue.

People who do not get a proper Rapid Eye Movement (REM) cycle at night have more chances of facing such problems.

Triggering factors for the issue

Certain triggering points cause the issues to appear. These triggering points also cause the problem to start affecting your health.

Persons who often face these sorts of issues are at risk of developing narcolepsy or even sleep paralysis.

For instance, in the case of narcolepsy, persons with genetic issues can already face this.

If you already have someone in the family facing narcolepsy, there is a chance of you facing this soon as well. Brain injuries can also trigger this problem.

These people are at risk of facing the issue. People are already facing station anxiety issues around the risk of developing sleep paralysis.

Acute stress and anxiety levels increase the risks of the issue. Such people must be careful in managing their problems and avoiding the issue.

Difference in how it impacts your life.

Narcolepsy is an issue that can start affecting your life much more badly. For instance, it is affecting your work during the daytime.

If you are a working person called you can already know the pain, you must go through. It brings immense distress and makes you suffer for a longer duration.

Sleep paralysis does not have that kind of impact. The episodes of it are much shorter compared to narcolepsy. However, consistently facing this can be quite hectic.

Also, a person is more likely to panic because of sleep paralysis than any other issue. This can have impacts on your mental health and your overall cognitive health as well.

Preventing these issues

Preventing any issue like narcolepsy or even sleep paralysis does matter a lot. It will help to avoid health issues and major distress.

In control narcolepsy, you need to undergo a diagnosis first. After that, effective sleeping cycles with medications like Vilafinil 200 can help you combat the issue.

On the other hand, you must also manage sleep paralysis. Fixing your lifestyle and reducing stress and anxiety levels can help.

It would help if you avoided sleep deprivation to manage this. You should also sleep on your back to control the issue.


It is fair to say there exist differences between sleep paralysis and narcolepsy. However, they both can affect your health and cause distress.

Once you figure out what is triggering such issues, you must control them.

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