What is Super Fildena?
The unique capability of Super Fildena 160 mg pills is that it is the only pill that is capable of addressing two of the most concerning disorders in males.
In addition to Erectile Dysfunction, which is sometimes referred to as ED, there is Premature Ejaculation, also known as PE.
It consists of two generic ingredients combined in the proper amounts to assist you in finding a treatment.
There are two generic substances contained in Super Fildena, one of which is Sildenafil and the other is Dapoxetine.
When these substances are combined in the appropriate proportion, they enable you to reach a stage of having a hard penis erection as well as avoiding premature ejaculation.
A combination of Sildenafil Citrate 100mg and Dapoxetine 60mg is used in this pill to treat Premature Ejaculation (PE) and Erectile Dysfunction (ED) in men 18 to 64 years of age.
It is important for patients who undergo an operation to treat ED to keep in mind that Sildenafil does not maintain or treat ED or enhance sexual appetite.
Dapoxetine increases the time to orgasm and may improve the control over ejaculation as well as alleviate distress related to ejaculation speed.
Boosting satisfaction with sexual activity is one of the benefits of this method.
It is used to keep and maintain a strong erection and it belongs to the PDE-5 class inhibitor.
You will not only be able to obtain an erection with Super Fildena 160mg, but you will also be able to maintain it for an extended time.
It is a powerful medication for the treatment of ED in men.
The function of Fildena is essentially identical to that of Generic Viagra. It is important to note that each of these medications contains Sildenafil Citrate as a component.
Male impotence or ED caused by weak men can be treated with Super Fildena pills, manufactured by Fortune Healthcare.
Super Fildena 160 may likewise be used to treat pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH). Children and females under the age of 18 are not prescribed this medication.
Upon taking Sildenafil Citrate pills, they begin to work within 30 minutes, and their effects last for approximately 6 hours.
How to take Super Fildena?
The process of taking these pills is very simple. To take a pill, you simply need to take it out of the package and place it in your mouth.
The ingredients in this pill dissolve slowly in your mouth before mixing with your blood. Due to their fast-acting mechanism, these pills begin to work in your body within 25-30 minutes.
However, you should never consume alcohol or any hallucinogenic drug immediately before or after taking these pills.
Assuming you want to take medication during the day, you might do so out of the blue. The pill will stay in the system for approximately 6-8 hours, depending on the dosage.
Do you know what the optimal Super Fildena dosage is?
There are exactly 160mg of this tablet in a single pill. Sildenafil will be included in a total of 100mg and Dapoxetine will be included in a total of 60mg.
A single dose must be administered only during a single day. The best chance to take your pills is only 30 minutes before you engage in sexual relations.
It means a lot to consider a few things inside the human body before taking a pill.
An individual’s doctor should determine the appropriate course of treatment based on their health, age, past medical history, diseases and disorders they are currently suffering from, and the medicines they are using.
An excessive amount of Sildenafil is never recommended by a doctor. Certain scenarios may lead to such problems on the part of the patient.
The following scenarios should be considered first. Things can go wrong and side effects develop if you take more Sildenafil than your body can tolerate.
Side effects
- Headache
- Vomiting
- Diarrhea
- Nausea
- Dizziness
- Chest pain
- Fall in blood pressure
- Lower libido
- Priapism
Precautions to take
You would be interested in knowing if there are any basic precautionary measures that you should be aware of before choosing Fildena.
As a result, before using the tablet or another dose of Fildena, you should remember the following:
➤ If you suffer from a liver illness, reduce circulatory stress, hypertension, kidney disorders, high blood pressure, hypersensitive response, or any other cardiovascular problem, this pill may be right for you.
➤ If you are carrying any medication for the first time, you should be aware of the precautions that are recommended. For this medication, the following steps must be closely followed.
➤ It is not recommended for people who suffer from chest pain, heart failure, irregular heartbeats, or angina.
➤ Those suffering from low or high blood pressure should not take this medication.
➤ Do not take this pill if you have suffered from a heart attack or stroke within the past six months.
➤ If you have an allergy to dapoxetine and sildenafil tablets, you should not take this medication.
➤ Take Super Fildena without drinking alcohol first, as it will take much longer for the medicine to work if you drink alcohol before taking it.
➤ For this pill to be successful, it ought not to be taken after a dinner that is high in fat.
➤ Do you have existing drugs in use for remedies to other disorders? Remember to show all your prescriptions to the doctor.
➤ Take your medicines only when at home especially not when outside and driving a car alone.
As well as helping you achieve a strong erection, Super Fildena 160mg also helps you maintain it. ED medication is an effective treatment for men suffering from this condition.
The function of Super Fildena is essentially identical to that of Generic Viagra. Each of these medications contains Sildenafil Citrate as one of its components.
While engaged in sexual activity, men encounter difficulties obtaining an erection.
Or it may be that even if they can achieve an erection, they will be unable to maintain it for a long time. This tablet can be purchased by males to combat this problem.
This medicine enables males to obtain an erection not only easily but also for an extended time.
Reviews of Super Fildena
It has been reported that Super Fildena pills have received positive reviews from the public. A quick working system is one of the principal benefits of this prescription.
The time between when you have sex and when you start having sex will be shortened significantly because of this.
I also like the fact that the pills are very affordable and do not have a lot of side effects, either.
Can Super Fildena treat your ED?
Yes. Due to its ability to assist men all over the world in obtaining and maintaining an erection for longer periods, Super Fildena is also referred to as a “Magic Pill“.
Sexual incapacity, also known as male ED, affects millions of men every year. Men around the world use it to counteract sexual activity and get great long-lasting erections.
Where to Buy Super Fildena?
If you want to Buy Super Fildena online, you have come to the right place.
Taking advantage of Genericmedsstore discount offers will help you get the best prices on Super Fildena tablets.
Our online pharmacy is for purchasing Super Fildena Online as well as numerous other healthcare products at affordable prices.
Fortune Healthcare Pvt. Ltd. company manufactures and dispatches high-quality medicines worldwide.
With us, you can count on receiving 100% genuine medications delivered to your door.
How to order?
The first step is to search for the product, then check the dosage, and then tap on the “add to cart” button.
Your order will be placed after you have paid and added your address information.
Do we need to take the Super Fildena 160 mg oral pill every day?
During 24 hours, you should take one pill. The last part shouldn’t be accepted if the next part is ready. Each day, you are recommended to take only one tablet.
Can it take with it Alcohol?
You should not drink alcohol before using the tablet because it will take much longer for the medication to begin working.
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